Wednesday, January 30, 2008

WTF, World: Volume XI

"WTF, World". It's like the Super Bowl except that it's not like the Super Bowl in any conceivable way. Still, you get links that piss you off, which is nice.
  • In the "Maybe you went a little overboard with the policing, there" file for the week, we have this story, where a teen almost went to court for attempting to sniff hand sanitizer. Granted, the kid is stupid, but being known as "the guy who huffed hand sanitizer" is probably punishment enough. I also like how the father didn't want to publish his kid's name, but was perfectly comfortable giving his own, because, you know, there is absolutely no way the kids at school would be able to link a father's name to his son's or anything. I may be wrong there. They are dumb enough to huff hand sanitizer. A WTF for all involved.
  • CDC and FEMA: We do the opposite of our jobs. Stuff like this pisses me off to no end. Gotta love our government's complete disregard for human life.
  • Speaking of disregard for human life... I cannot say this too many times: Clinton lied about getting a blow job and millions of tax dollars were spent to impeach him. Bush and his administration lied about, well, a whole lot of Iraq-related stuff, costing thousands of American lives (and an untold number of Iraqi ones), and nothing happened. SOMETHING IS TERRIBLY WRONG HERE.
  • I'm guessing, if the Republicans win in November, we're going to war with Iran. Just a hunch. I'm sure my knowledge of they lyrics to "O Canada" (thank you, hockey) will come in handy when this causes me to move to America's hat.

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