Friday, January 25, 2008

When "Schubert Dip" Was a Valid Album Name

Let's get right back into our highly educated review of MTV Playlist's "90's Hits Playlist" for part 2 of 3. It's fun, because hey, remember when the 90's?

C+C Music Factory

This is a perfect example of the meat-and-potatoes of early-to-mid 90's videos (And also, excessive hyphens! My bad.) with the crap thrown in here. Let's see how they do with the video stereotype checklist...

Random words which have nothing to do with the lyrics thrown on the screen? CHECK
Spastic dancing? CHECK
Flattop haircuts? OH HELLS YES

That's three out of an arbitrarily determined three. Well done, C+C Music Factory.

Speaking of the band(?) name, some of the "words thrown on the screen" are "CAN YOU SAY C+C". Truthfully, for me at least, the answer is no. I do not know if is is "C and C," or "C plus C". This likely stems from the fact that I have never heard anyone utter the question "Did you check out the new C+C Music Factory album? By listening to them, you can really tell how they've improved the efficiency of music production by creating the assembly line and..."


This is why I am not a standup comic. Still, at least I am not in a music video playing a toy saxophone...


Time to chalk up another song for Jock Jams.


Sir Mix-A-Lot

Seattle has given us quite a few great musical acts. Jimi Hendrix. Pearl Jam. Nirvana. However, none of these even comes close to the pure magnificence of Sir-Mix-a-Lot. Seriously, did those other artists have songs addressing such diverse and deep subject matter as pressing breasts on a windshield ("Put 'em On The Glass") or the unrequited love for a big ass? I think not.

There is something to be said about a video prominently featuring giant papier mache posteriors. What it is, I don't know. But there certainly is something to say.

One of my favorite things about this video is the random synonyms for "ass" thrown on the screen. The best one is definitely "dorsum". No contest.

Y'know, I kind of like Sir-Mix-a-Lot. Not necessarily for his music, but for the fact that he has a sense of humor about the whole thing. A lot of bands miss that and forget the sole reason they get paid is to entertain us regular folk and not to make an album that is split into 5 different discs that you have to play on 5 different stereos at exactly the same time to get the full effect (I'm looking your way, Flaming Lips. I still listen to you guys but, seriously, what the fuck. As if they're reading this anyway. Time to get out of the parentheses...).


Robin S.

This is too lame, even for me. And I like "Men at Work". I have yet to make it through this video in its entirety. Let's just move on.


First off, these guys' album, as mentioned in the post title, was called "Schubert Dip". This may have something to do with a Hot Carl. I don't care to find out.

EMF's biggest contribution to music was sampling Andrew Dice Clay, which gives a hint to how long they lasted on the charts. The also have a guy who plays a guitar with no strings. I believe that instrument is called "nothing".

Like the Technotronic video in our last installment, the video for "Unbelievable" has made its purpose to give the viewer a seizure. Enough with the strobe lights and quick cuts already.

I'm sure you're all aware that this song was used in a commercial (and by Stephen Colbert), where the word "Unbelievable" was changed to "Crumbelievable" by some Madison Avenue genius. Actually I shouldn't slag whoever came up with that one, as I still remember the commercial. Well done. I'm going to go take a Schubert Dip.

This song was taylor-made for highlight reels and thus, had to be a Jock Jam.



This song is fucking awful. I cannot believe there once was a time when I enjoyed it. Actually, scratch that. There was a time when MC Hammer was my favorite artist, so my liking this crap is certainly not...



/plays guitar with no strings
/tallies another one for jock jams (JOCK JAMS COUNT: 6)
/has seizure

Stay tuned next week for the final installment of this epic piece of garbage.

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