Wednesday, January 16, 2008

WTF, World: Volume IX

It's not Michael Jackson, and this is not "Thriller".

It's another "WTF, World" Wednesday. 

Enough Run DMC references. Let's get to the links.
  • Often times, I wonder why the rest of the world thinks Americans are idiots. Then something like this pops up. People like that are the reason that "Idiocracy" is not just a comedy, but also a chilling look into our future. Jesus. Pick up a fucking book, America.
  • Medication is expensive. Why? Partly because pharmaceutical companies spend more on advertising than on research and development. I honestly don't understand this. I get prescriptions when my doctor tells me to need them. I don't watch TV and go "AW SWEET, NEXIUM IS PURPLE" and then run down to the pharmacy before ultimately being rejected by the pharmacist because I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING PRESCRIPTION WRITTEN BY A DOCTOR. So why spend billions advertising your product to the Average Joe when he or she can't even buy it without a doctor's approval? The answer may lie in this week's first link.
  • Why would people like myself want comprehensive sex ed instead of abstinence-only sex ed to be taught in schools (besides the fact that it works better)? According to a panelist on Fox News, it's because we "benefit when kids end up having STDs [and] unplanned pregnancies..." Yup, every 14-year old with herpes puts 5 bucks into my pocket. I'm busted.
  • You know what shouldn't be taught in science class? Science. I think my favorite leap-of-faith in this one is the attribution of a toddler's death at the hands of a 12-year old to the teaching of evolution. Today's first link is just making more and more sense.


Anonymous said...

well, obviously, because the toddler failed to evolve rapidly enough to outwit the 12-year-old (surprising, after the first clip), it met its end. survival of the fittest, death to the deliciousest. (possibly the best fake word I've come up with yet.)

Anonymous said...

Shaken Baby makes one heck of a Smoothie.

Anonymous said...

That pisses me off to no end. Do people live under rocks? Everyone is Patrick in this country, and that's in insult to Patrick!