Tuesday, January 1, 2008

WTF, World: Volume VII

It's time to start your new year off right with another "WTF, World" Wednesday.
  • Michael Savage... Just an awful person. And yet he has a syndicated radio show with millions of listeners and a best-selling book. His rhetoric is pathetic, but even worse is that, all across America, evidently people agree with statements like "By and large, 90 percent of the people on the Nobel Committee are into child pornography and molestation," and that God caused 9/11 because of an increase in lesbian fertility clinics and sex-change operations. Find more excerpts from this indescribable douchelord here (In retrospect, I didn't need the word "indescribable" there. "Douchelord" describes him perfectly).
  • Interesting little diatribe here. There is so much on which I could go off here. The most amusing thing, I think, is that the author (who proves you do not need to be intelligent to get a PhD) asserts that educators should be JAILED for insisting that homeschoolers must follow state-approved standards. Heaven forbid those kids learn something. Also, the author's book has the hilarious title "ISLAM: America's Trojan Horse!". That exclamation point was completely necessary.
  • Gotta love this logic from republican Texas state rep Debbie Kimball: Free healthcare, education = THE DEVIL. She probably should have just busted out with "If they would rather die, they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population!". I realize this is closed-minded of me, but I think she probably would have attributed that to Scrooge McDuck instead of Charles Dickens, though, so maybe her statement was best left intact.

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