Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Odds-Making: The Veepstakes

Another new feature of this blog is "Odds-making", in which we predict the likelihood of whatever topical nonsense comes to mind. This week's focus:

The Vice Presidential Debate
Odds that Senator Biden laughs out loud at something his opponent says: 1:5

Over/Under on number of incomplete sentences from Governor Palin: 12

Odds that Sen. Biden reminds us that he takes the train to work everyday: 2:3

Odds that the McCain campaign tries to have the debate delayed/canceled once again due to the economic situation: 1:4

Over/Under on the number of times Gov. Palin attempts to mask the fact she doesn't know how to answer by turning up the old folksiness: 4

Over/Under on number of times Sen. Biden put his foot in his mouth: 2

Over/Under on number of answers Gov. Palin gives on her own without relying upon an obvious talking point: 3

Odds that Gov. Palin bursts into tears: 1:150

Odds that Sen. Biden goes to facepalm at some point: 1:6

Odds that both sides declare victory afterward: 10:1

Odds that Gov. Palin attempts to field-dress Sen. Biden: 1:20,000

Odds that the disastrous Katie Couric interview was actually all a plan to lower expectations, and Gov. Palin impresses in the VP debate: 1:20

Odds that things go even worse for Gov. Palin in the VP debate than in the Couric interview: 1:2

Odds that Gov. Palin will again make the case that her state's proximity to Siberia constitutes foreign policy experience: 1:3

Odds that Sen. Biden brings it up for her: 2:1

Over/Under on number of erroneous statements by Sen. Biden corrected by factcheck.org: 5

Over/Under on number of erroneous statements by Gov. Palin corrected by factcheck.org: 6

Odds that Tina Fey will make her third straight appearance on SNL mocking Gov. Palin's performance: 2:1

Odds that Gov. Palin makes reference to Sen. Biden's hair plugs: 1:151

Odds that the debate causes an IGW contributor to cry himself to sleep: 1:9

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