Monday, September 22, 2008

SLoth Speak: Montana, Land of Sci-Fi Victims

So tomorrow is Monday. I get to sleep in because I am off tomorrow. I am off because I worked the whole weekend. 

Not on this article. I worked the whole weekend sitting in a hole in the ground watching TV. The SciFi network had some great films on this weekend let me tell you. From the female forest ranger getting terrorized by a predatory devil creature to haunted mansion trying to kill the people inside to the family somehow trapped in an underground cave full of giant beetles I was overwhelmed by the shear idiocy of the characters in the movies. Time after  time some stupid person walks away from the group, only to get their head bitten off while they pour themselves a slushie. The lesson here is, if you are in an abandoned mall chasing a time-traveling dinosaur, with 3 other people and you're the only one without a gun, you DO NOT WALK OFF from the group for any reason! Why would you do that? What bloody sense does that make? Your body in multiple pieces in Footlocker is the bloody sense it makes. Where are the writers of these movies from? How do they think that people could be this dumb when faced with ridiculous situations? 

Well I'll tell you. The writers of these esteemed movies could possibly be from Montana. Well maybe not all of Montana, but Great Falls, Montana. If an aspiring SciFi screen writer grew up in Montana, his or her experience with "normal" human logic would revolve heavily around the behavior of the people he observed. The other day I personally witnessed a woman outside, just off her porch, using a shop vac to vacuum her grass. Yes that's right...she was vacuuming her lawn. To what end I wonder, I do not know; but I can imagine her going down into a basement all alone during a power outage after rabid mutant rats have escaped from the local animal control center. That just seems like something she would do. After watching her vac her grass I continued down the street wondering how she answers her children's questions on life. Little Billy Bob probably has asked her where babies come from and been told "well your mom goes to the corner of 27th and 4th and......yada yada yada." That being the location of the next stop down this journey, Universal Semen Sales. This store specializes in all your animal husbandry needs. What, you though Billy Bob was asking about humans? 

Back to my point, at any point on this road Montanans can and will drive by on 4 wheelers. Yes, that's right, ATVs are street legal here. And nobody wears helmets. So the next time they are fleeing El Chupacabra in the suburbs, SciFi screen writers will have their poor unfortunate characters jump on motorcycles and ATVs instead of heavy vehicles with hard roofs that can't be pierced when the thing jumps on back. 

Oh, and the ill-fated idea of going out into the lake or river in a dingy in order to hunt the giant snakehead fish that ate the legs off your aunt? Montana. Not that using a grotesquely under sized boat is the root problem here, it's the going out in the dingy at night, by yourself, with nothing but a pistol, pocketknife and a flashlight that's not waterproof that will get you in the end. Of course you're going to slip and and accidentally swallow the pocketknife, come on!

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