Wednesday, June 18, 2008

WTF, World: Volume XXVII

If you were not already aware, the Celtics won their 17th NBA Championship last night. All is right with the sports world.

But it's Wednesday, so that means I've still gotta complain about something. And how!

Here's some links.
  • Here's a sweet story. A high school in Mississippi has finally desegregated its prom. How progressive of them. Oh, wait. I forgot it was 2008 and this should have happened at least 50 years ago. Way to go, guys.
  • And certain LSU fans aren't doing any better at making the south look good with their "The Civil War Shoulda Been Best 2 Outta 3" sign. Dumbasses. I suppose if this were the case, though, the Civil War II (Electric Boogaloo) probably would have been a slaughter of Cornell-Hofstra proportions, and there would be no need for a game 3.
  • Some Dems have not thrown their support behind Obama because of some well thought-out rationale like this gem, provided by a Tennessee Democratic Party executive: "He's got some bad connections, and he may be terrorist connected for all I can tell. It sounds kind of like he may be." Seems like someone's been watching "The Manchurian Candidate" a bit too much. Hey, that sounds quite similar to the asinine ideas expressed by some (remember: their vote cancels out yours) West Virginians during primary season. What will these people do if Obama is elected president? I am excited to find out.
  • "Carbon Belch Day" is wrong in oh so many ways. Even disregarding any global warming ramifications, how could using as much energy as possible do good for anyone? Oh, wait, I see. Oil prices are high, so the only logical thing to do is CONSUME AS MUCH FUEL AS WE CAN. Seriously, the reasoning behind this absolutely blows my mind. If you can come up with a legitimate explanation for Carbon Belch Day besides "haha liberals are pussies", please, do tell. Additionally, this whole thing is particularly funny as the day is promoted by none other than Neil Cavuto, who, as we've seen, is not particularly thrilled about the cost of fuel. He's also a complete idiot, so I suppose it makes sense.

1 comment:

Mathemagician said...

So, is the "Scott Curse" at least officially lifted after Tuesday night?

Also, I can pledge to fart in the general direction of Fox News...but they might applaud that.