Wednesday, June 11, 2008

WTF, World: Volume XXVI

This week, on a very special "WTF, World" Wednesday...

I complain about something and direct you to the links below.
  • The general election is rolling along, and the biggest news as of now is that Obama gave his wife a celebratory fist pound. The meaning of this action is very important, for some reason or another. Even more ridiculous than the massive amount of attention given to this inane topic is that, according to Fox News, the dap could potentially be a "terrorist fist jab". Let me write that again, just in case you didn't catch it the first time. A TERRORIST FIST JAB. Thank God he didn't do the "exploding pound" thing or they'd probably think Obama was trying to recreate 9/11 with sign language.
  • Jerramy Stevens provides a living example of all that is wrong with class, fame and sports in America (NOTE: This article is both really long and really well done. It's a good read, but not something you can simply skim through). Stevens escaped prosecution for rape because of his status as a star football player for the University of Washington, and was punished lightly (if at all) for other offenses he committed. The fact that those of considerable status, and not just athletes, receive preferential treatment is not a new story. However, the sequence of events depicted in this article is completely despicable. A young woman has been scarred for life, and has failed to see justice because people wanted a team to win a game. Absolutely shameful. As a frustrating addendum, half the reader comments slag the Times for publishing the column, as, to these people, supporting UW football is more important than anything else, and exposing criminal actions is worse than actually committing them.
  • I swear, if McCain vetoes just one beer, I am outta here. Actually, he could veto Genessee Cream Ale and I would have no problem. That stuff is gross.

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