Wednesday, June 4, 2008


The hills are alive...
With the sound of bitching...

You betcha, it's yet another "WTF, World" Wednesday.

And here come the links.
  • The biggest news this week has been Obama's apparent victory in the Democratic primary. As I am a bleeding-heart-lefty-commie-pinko, I'll obviously be pulling for the man in the fall, but, honestly, I don't think he has a snowball's chance in hell to become president (FOR GOD'S SAKE PROVE ME WRONG, AMERICA). Why? Because people are stupid. I'm not trying to insinuate that all McCain supporters are idiots, because that isn't the case. It does seem, however, that a ton of voters will be voting McCain for utterly ridiculous reasons. Case in point a South Dakotan who apparently thinks that Obama is a terrorist because, according to the woman, his former church (which is of the Christian persuasion, mind you) was all about the Koran and he doesn't wear a flag lapel pin all the time (WHAT). So her dumbass vote cancels out your educated one. And then there's the "I supported Hillary and Obama beat her so I can't possibly vote for him" folks. In my opinion, they're just as bad. Policy-wise, Obama and Clinton are pretty fucking similar. So if you were all gung-ho about Clinton and can't possibly fathom* backing Obama this November, you are a moron. For an example, we have Harriet Christian, who is "all for civil rights" as long as no uppity n-word tries to become president. After claiming to be the farthest thing from a racist (I would guess the actual farthest person would have to be Tiger Woods, as he is Caublasian), she goes on to state that "99 percent of blacks don't know why they're voting for [Obama]." What was that about not being racist? Moreover, Christian's complete abhorrence of Barack, despite the previously mentioned similarities between he and Clinton, indicates that she only supported Hillary because she was a white female (or will not vote for Obama because he is a black male). Her stupid vote doubly cancels out yours. As does that of former VP candidate Geraldine Ferraro who claims Obama is "very lucky" to be a black male (keep in mind he is "lucky" enough to be part of a demographic where over 10 percent of those between the age of 25-29 are incarcerated). And then there's the plain old racist jackasses who are anti-Obama because they are, well, racist. Guess what? Your vote has been cancelled yet again! Beyond this we have those who completely believe hoax emails and/or casually watch Fox News (for some reason Fox needed to put up a picture of Obama next to Ahmadinejad when the story was about the Iranian president pushing for a meeting with THE POPE). This is all before taking into consideration the people who will be voting for McCain for legitimate reasons. So forgive me if my outlook isn't that rosy.
*SIDE NOTE: Based on previous posts, one may think I would fall into the opposite of this category, where I would have supported Obama but not voted for Hillary had she won the primary. This isn't the case (and not in the Harriet Christian way where you say one thing and then do the opposite). Had Obama lost, I would have ponied up a vote for Clinton in the fall, no problem. Hell, my candidate (John Edwards, which I guess makes me both sexist AND racist) fell out of the race early, so I've been prepared to support "whoever wins the democratic primary" for months.

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