Wednesday, May 7, 2008

WTF, World: Volume XXI

It's back, oh lordy, it's back. "WTF, World" Wednesdays have returned!

Let the good times roll.
  • The electoral process in America is slowly changing from something designed to express the voice of the people and help change the country for the batter, to, I don't really know... A sport? Reality TV? Who knows, but, at this point, it all looks like a huge fucking joke. One reason is because of jackasses like these people. Seriously, seem to not give a shit about relevant issues or the repercussions of their actions. But hey, when your candidate wins the election, you can celebrate like your team won the Stanley Cup, riot, and rub your rivals faces in the dirt. Fixing the economy, resolving the war, improving our nations' image? Who hives a shit, hippies, we fucking won the election. Aaaaand... scene.
  • Hey, (Sir Edmund) Hillary, you know what's a good quality for a President? A sense of shame. Evidently she does not understand this, and now she's trying to change the rules to gain the nomination. Again. She reminds me of those kids who, when playing"rock, paper, scissors" would bust out something like "Atomic Bomb" because it blows up everything, even though the game isn't called "rock, paper, scissors, ATOMIC BOMB".
  • I gotta give republicans credit. They are excellent at smear tactics. Case in point: Jonesville Church of God (because, according to these people, Jesus is Republican and probably hates black people and/or muslims). "Obama, Osama, hmm..." OH I GET IT THEY ARE SPELLED KIND OF SIMILAR.
  • The final WTF for this week goes out to me, who has failed to update the site with any regularity over the past month. Well, that changes now (I hope). Enjoy Friday's super long entry.

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