Wednesday, May 14, 2008

WTF, World: Volume XXII

"WTF, World" Wednesdays: The hump day in your week of stupid crap.

Let's hit the links.
  • This week's entry in "How are these people allowed to vote?" comes from a lovely group of folks from West Virginia, who seem to be doing all they can to perpetuate the "dumb hillbilly" Appalachian stereotype. I don't know which was more entertaining, the lady who won't vote for Obama because his middle name is Hussein, which obviously means he is related to and has the same political agenda as Saddam (not to mention the fact that he HATES America), or the lady who won't vote for him because she is afraid of black people (Ooh, looks like someone's been reading the Turner Diaries!). Again, these people help decide who will run this country. HAHA THEIR VOTE CANCELS OUT YOURS
  • Florida teacher fired for wizardry. No word yet on if he turned anyone into a newt. Ah, Florida. Always coming through with a good WTF when you need it.
  • Republicans hate mothers. Hate 'em. I really don't understand their rationale behind this. It wasn't like the vote in question was to give mothers a bajillion dollars of taxpayer money or something like that; the resolution was just some abstract thing akin to "Okay everyone. Cupcakes are great. All those who agree, say aye...". But no. Republicans had to vote en masse against the resolution, expressing their dislike for moms and possibly cupcakes as well. Evidently those bible thumping red state representatives forgot about that whole "honor thy mother and thy father" thing in the Ten Commandments. In other news, the house minority leader's name is "Boehner". /dick joke
  • In addition to creating the internet, Al Gore is also responsible for the global food crisis, according to Fox News. Wait, what?
  • And the biggest WTF, by far, goes to the Burmese government, for their general resistance to aid following the Cyclone Nargis tragedy. I may jokingly complain about Fox News and creationists here (nearly) every week, but the actions of the military junta in Burma are appalling and those in the government are truly despicable human beings.

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