Wednesday, May 21, 2008

WTF, World: Volume XXIII

"WTF, World" Wednesdays: Kid tested, mother approved.

Well, maybe not approved, but at least tolerated.

And now, the links.
  • I think "PWND" would sum up this link nicely, but I'll ramble on anyway. So last week our president essentially compared Barack Obama to Neville Chamberlain during a speech in Israel. This became a topic of debate on "Hardball" a day or so later, and the conservative talk show host featured on the program threw his full support behind Bush's comments. He did this, even though he did not know who Neville Chamberlain was, what the Appeasement of Hitler/Munich Agreement was, or what the word appeasement, in fact, actually means. Luckily, Chris Matthews called him out and utterly DESTROYED him upon noticing this. The real sad thing here, however, is that, even though this talk show host may have no idea what he is talking about, he probably has a ton of listeners following his every word, who now think Obama is going to give a nuclear weapon to the terrorists and allow them to blow up a target of their choice if he becomes president. And, again, this is why Idiocracy is not just a comedy, but a chilling look into our future.
  • A fossil fuel-based energy firm is funding efforts to stop the Cape Wind Farm? Why, I thought it was just rich assholes worrying about nonexistent obstructions to their vacation homes' views and even richer assholes worried about smashing their million-dollar yachts into said obstructions. On another note, I love the rationale behind those two arguments. So, according to these people, the wind turbines will be so big that they will be visible from shore (in reality, they will appear, at most, to be small specks on the horizon), and yet not big enough to be visible at considerably shorter distances to those skippering yachts. Bravo. Just shut up and enjoy your treasure baths.
  • Ladies and gentlemen, your fantastic destination for Super Bowl XLVI in 2012 will be... Indianapolis! Wait, what? Apparently Buffalo was not available.

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