Tuesday, November 27, 2007

WTF, World: Volume II

First off, I apologize for the lack of update last Friday. I'm sure all three readers of this site were most upset. Back to normal schedule this week, starting with the second installment of "WTF, World."

You'll probably notice a trend in that things that piss me off. Usually it's the sports media and people who try to force religion into science/politics (Note: I am both religious and a scientist but NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET).

First off this week is this excellent example of why I hate many mainstream sports journalists. I love how Conlin covers his tracks by busting out with, essentially, "My pro-Hitler comment was okay because I have Jewish friends." But just as importantly, the dude completely lost his mind because OH NO SOMEBODY DISAGREED WITH HIM ABOUT SPORTS. The whole saga is handled beautifully by The Dugout (which is probably one of the reasons the internet was created by Al Gore and Pete Townshend).

Thanks to RationalWiki for this bad boy from the New York Times. This article makes both PhDs AND URI grads look bad. Awesome. My personal fave, though, is the section dealing with the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Ky (which received over 250,000 visitors in 6 months OMGWTFBBQBACON). Here's a quote:

The museum sends the message that belief in a young earth is the only way to salvation. The failure to understand Genesis is literally “undermining the entire word of God,” Ken Ham, the founder of Answers in Genesis, says in a video. The collapse of Christianity believed to result from that failure is drawn out in a series of exhibits: school shootings, gay marriage, drugs, porn and pregnant teens. At the same time, it presents biblical literalism as perfectly defensible science.

If bible literalism must be heeded, why aren't the people behind this museum growing out their beards and stoning adulterers? OH SHIT GOD HATES YOU NOW.

And finally, I realize that this document (pdf) is a little thick, but the key thing here is that Michael Vick killed dogs "by various methods, including hanging and drowning." It's old news, but Vick and his accomplices are just fucking despicable. This story pisses me off on so many levels that I can't adequately describe it without going into a several thousand word diatribe. I also hate the whole "He's being crucified because he's a black athlete" bullshit. Just stop. I don't care if your name is "Ron Mexico," such cruelty to animals is always wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Shippee is also religious, and a scientist. She's also a son of a bitch. so, eventually when she becomes pissed off enough about the world, her personal variety of "wtf world" will be tridents flying. And that will be Armageddon.