Wednesday, November 21, 2007

WTF, World: Volume I

I've decided to make Wednesdays "WTF, World" day here on I Got Words. Each week I'll try to post a few links that, in general, frustrate me to the point where I have a minor aneurysm. The principle behind this is similar to when I used to watch "Rich Girls," even though I knew it would piss me off. It's difficult to explain, but, hopefully, you catch my drift.

These people are in charge of the science education for an entire county. Evidently science shouldn't be taught properly in Polk County because some concepts "[cross] the line" for Christians. Props to Brenda Reddout, though, who personally believes in intelligent design but doesn't want it taught in schools because of that whole "Separation of Church and State" thing.

Evidently, this article is good enough for a major media outlet. Just utter tripe from Jim Caple. I've been getting fed up with ESPN for the past few years now, and finally snapped with the whole "Who's Now" crapfest. My feelings about this one have absolutely nothing to do with me being a Revs fan, either. This piece is just plain old lazy. Caple needs to realize he's getting paid to write and put some effort into his work besides "Making boring quotes with fake names based on Metro Boston geographic and social terms." My writing isn't so great either, but, then again, I don't get paid for it.

Wow. Just Wow. I forgot that this man's word regarding scientific principles is more reliable than that of thousands upon thousands of scientists. A brief rundown here. Dinosaurs=dragons. Plants didn't die during Noah's flood because the water wasn't stirred enough. Radioactive dating doesn't work because C-14 dating can't accurately measure the age of dinosaur... I mean dragon... bones. The last one holds a special piece in my heart because this man clearly doesn't understand the principles of radiometric dating, but can pretend to because the bulk of the public doesn't, either. I could go on and on about this one, but I'd just be filling up your screen with acres of boring text (like my man Caple above). I'm also, evidently, part of some super secret cabal of scientists who try to convert America to atheism and sponge up research funds.

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