Wednesday, March 12, 2008

WTF, World: Volume XVII

"WTF, World" Wednesdays: we don't forget that nobody cries funnier than Brett Favre.
Links are in their normal position.
  • Hey, baseball season is back! Looking forward to seeing and hearing from people like this and this once again. It's these people who make me glad that I no longer live only a few blocks away from Fenway Park. On the other hand, I probably shouldn't be commenting here, as I am a huge soccer fan, and fan violence and soccer go together like [insert two things that commonly go together]. Or there's always HEY SCOTT YOU ARE JUST JEALOUS BECAUSE THE ORIOLES ARE BAD AT THE BASE BALL
  • Good to see that USC is thinking outside the box and is giving basketball scholarships to kids who are both bad at basketball and rich enough not to need a scholarship. Well done there. I think my favorite part about the article is where, in chart form, the authors state that, while Demar DeRozan (a legit recruit) is often compared to LeBron James, Lil' Romeo most frequently draws comparisons to Lil' Bow Wow.
  • So when you're making a movie criticizing how "big science" mutes those who push intelligent design over evolution (as it isn't science, it probably shouldn't be included in science curricula, but I digress), it may be a bit hypocritical to ban critics who might report unfavorably from your movie's screenings. I'm just saying.
  • Businessweek gets to the table a little late with their article "Energy Efficiency: A Passing Fad?". I wonder if the people who wrote this still think the internet is a passing fad as well.

1 comment:

Mathemagician said...

Because if there's any one group that's been unfairly persecuted over the years, it's clearly Christians.

/sarcasm detector explodes*

*Simpsons reference