Wednesday, March 5, 2008

WTF, World: Volume XVI

"WTF, World": It's seen a million faces...


Now for the links:

  • More and more parents today are preventing their kids from being vaccinated. Many of these people are concerned that these inoculations will give their children autism, ignoring the consensus in the scientific and medical community that there is no link between the disease and vaccines. All these parents seem to maintain that they are looking out for their children's health. I guess my parents weren't looking out for my best interests when they allowed me to be vaccinated throughout my youth, thus preventing me from coming down with measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, TB, polio, tetanus, diptheria, or hep A. Listen, I'm not doubting they aren't concerned for their kids, but come on, people. God forbid we actually listen to experts. I swear this country is edging closer and closer towards the scenario from Idiocracy
  • Hey, there. We don't hate you because you're beautiful. We hate you because you're self-entitled bitches. It always astounds me that there are actually people who think like these two girls.
  • Despite my love for universal health care, I am not a Hillary Clinton supporter (my man Edwards fell out of the race a long time ago, but that's beside the point). If it comes down to her-vs.-McCain, I'll be on her side, but begrudgingly so. She seems to have a personality that I just can't trust, and she comes off as someone who will do absolutely whatever it takes (in a bad way) to become commander-in-chief. I'm sure that comes off as sexist, but whatever. I'm not against having a woman as president, but I'm against having this woman as president. Big difference. "So, what is wrong with her?" I can her you, the imaginary reader, ask. Well, for starters, she insisted for years that she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, despite being born six years before his summit of Everest. She also campaigned heavily in states where primary delegates were barred by the National Democratic Party (due to their bumping forward the date of their primaries), while the other candidates did not. Not surprisingly, she managed to win those states by a hefty margin. Now, she wants these delegates reinstated. A little dirty, there. And speaking of dirty... AAAH AAAAH AAAAAAAAAH MY BRAIN!
  • Another election-related topic that has been getting under my skin lately has been the seemingly large number of people voting for Hillary Clinton simply because she is a woman. This isn't just limited to Hillary, either. I'm sure there are many out there who vote for Obama because he is black. Particularly white people who are especially keen to prove they aren't racist (and who are accurately portrayed on this site). If you are voting for either of these candidates for either of these reasons, you should not be able to vote, period. Vote for the person who would be best at the job. Actually, never mind that... I have developed the super candidate: Tyra Banks. Women would support her because she is a woman. Men would vote for her because she is hot. She'd get the vote from the black community and the "white people who are afraid of looking racist" contingent because she is black. And neocons would vote for her because she is an idiot. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.


Anonymous said...

Holy Crap, Tyra could win it all. SCARY.

Mathemagician said...

I would also be scared by having to support Hillary by default, but since McCain supports and would continue with all the horrible mistakes of the Bush administration, things could be much scarier than whoever wins for the Dems.

Also, "don't blame me, I voted for Kodos!"