Thursday, December 27, 2007

WTF, World: Volume VI

We're going back in time today and making it a "WTF Wednesday". The space-time continuum will never be the same.

And now the links.
  • Remember how millions of our tax dollars went towards teaching only abstinence to young folk instead of informing them about the virtues of condoms? Well that worked out spectacularly (Even Fox News has reported this). Poor Jamie-Lynn Spears. If only she had been properly educated before she put out. Actually, the real victim may be her mother, whose book about parenting was put on hold following the news of her daughter's pregnancy. Good call by the publishers there.
  • We shouldn't subsidize poor children's healthcare because OUR CIGARETTES WOULD BE TOO EXPENSIVE. Glad to see our President has his priorities in check. At this point, our country seems a bit like the plot of "The Producers." Think about it. Say, like in 2000, a democratic strategist thought that it would be a good idea for Bush to win the Republican bid because everything he touches turns to shit, paving the way for an easy Dem victory. Only people end up loving Bush and elect him to two terms. As President, he's still the anti-Midas, but AW HOW CAN WE STAY MAD AT THAT FACE.
  • I-35 is, apparently, some sort of holy road planned originally in the Bible. Funny, I thought the Eisenhower administration was behind it all. Evangelical Christian groups are using the highway as a launching pad for a "purity siege", which includes eliminating homosexuality through prayer. You know what? Being "filled up by the Holy Ghost" sounds pretty gay, too, so you better watch yourself. Also, purity siege people, how about you spend your time praying for and putting your energy into helping sick people, or the starving, or the homeless or something, instead of freaking out about trivial stuff. There's that whole "priorities" thing again.


Anonymous said...

Where did we go right?

It does seem oddly Producers-esque. Hopefully it won't run for 30 years.

who's the bastard who ran off to Rio?

Mathemagician said...

I must say I'm shocked that Fox News reported that one of Bush's asynine policies isn't working...I still remember The Daily Show running a Fox News segment that debated "President Bush: Greatest President Ever?"

Also, on the children's health care article, I am enraged that Bush's reasoning** is that they want children who don't have health coverage to move into the private sector, not realizing that the reason they don't have health coverage in the first place is that they can't afford it at private sector cost.

January 2009 can't come soon enough.

**-Bush has never used actual reasoning