Friday, October 3, 2008

Some quick thoughts on yesterday's debate...

My normal post will be up later today, but, for now, I'd just like to express some thoughts regarding yesterday's debate.

-The McCain campaign has been using a successful and infuriating strategy over the last, well, however long the campaign has lasted. It goes like this: whenever McCain/Palin is asked a difficult question, he/she will talk about completely different topic, as if they heard a completely separate question. Palin pulled this ALL THE DAMN TIME last night. And people ate it up. Now everyone thinks she did a great job in the debate, even though she answered foreign policy questions by talking about soccer or "drill, baby drill" or her Down Syndrome baby or something. This, for some reason, makes the dumbasses out there think she is well-informed. McCain did the same thing on MSNBC yesterday when asked why he voted for the bailout if he was so opposed to it. This sure didn't fly in "Billy Madison" when Billy tried to relate the industrial revolution to "The Puppy Who Lost His Way". Yet we allow people who are trying to become ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL PEOPLE IN THE WORLD to get away with it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

-How in the crap are Palin's down-home folksy sayings appealing? Do you really want a high-level public official speaking like that (and don't get me started on her voice)? Say she ends up speaking with an Iranian diplomat over their nuclear program (although the McCain ticket would probably want to change the words "speaking with" to "bombing")...

DIPLOMAT: We have a right to develop nuclear technology just as...

PALIN: Well golly-gee willikers, mister ay-rab. Say it ain't so. I have a Down Syndrome baby. When I go chat with other hockey moms and Down Syndrome baby parents about nuke-ular weapons they sure as sugar don't

/shoots a moose

-Biden did an awesome job, I think. He wasn't condescending, and he didn't put his foot in his mouth. That being said, he probably lost the debate because Sarah Palin's expectations were just so low. She could have just stood there and said something about a pit bull with lipstick for an hour and would have received rave reviews.

How I would score it (out of 5): Biden 4, Palin 2
Media reaction (except Fox): Biden 3, Palin 3
Fox reaction: Palin 6.02x10^23, Biden -1,000,001

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