Tuesday, December 11, 2007

WTF, World: Volume IV

Comedy, explosions, sex appeal... It's "WTF, World" Wednesday.

Oh, and just ignore the erroneous day-of-week above. Today is not Tuesday. 

Anyway, onward to the links.
  • This link (from the excellent News Hounds) delves into so much that is so wrong with, well, everything. For instance, we environmentalists are truly evil, as explained by a Fox News panelist. "The environmentalists' real motivation is to reduce human population because they hate humans. They value plant life more." It's those kind of comments that make me hate humans and value plant life more. Another great little tidbit: one in five americans can't find the US on a world map. These are likely the same people who don't know Rhode Island is a state, and who aren't sure whether or not the world is flat (and may host NATIONAL TELEVISION SHOWS). And lastly, shouldn't news programs be focused less on skewering political opponents and more on, well, news? 
  • And yet another RW-based link: A science director for the Texas Education Authority was asked to resign by her superiors because she did not hold "neutral" views on evolution (she is pro-evolution, and was eventually fired for "other reasons"). Evidently they want someone who is less scientific in charge of children's science education. Makes sense.
  • Mike Huckabee may be the next president. This means trouble if you happen to be gay or have AIDS (sucks to be you, Africa). On the positive side, if he does become president, feel free to rape at will. You'll be paroled and free to murder anyone before you can even say "incarceration."

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