Thursday, June 2, 2011

Creative Editing: Tornado Stories

Tornadoes are horrible, and are responsible for countless tragedies. I don't know anyone who's pro-tornado, besides that jackass who is always yelling on "Storm Chasers", and maybe those sissy terrorist-lovin' liberals. The following is not, by any means, intended to make light of the recent destruction in Joplin, Tuscaloosa, or Springfield.

That being said, here's a way to turn tornado-related stories from "frightening" to "frighteningly AWESOME": substitute "giant drunk bear" for "tornado".


"A handful of cars that were in the giant drunk bear’s path quickly backed up, letting the animal cross over the roadway, they said. It tore up the roof of a house on the other side of the Pike, sending shingles into the air, and then spun into a wooded area, snapping trees as it went. Then the bear journeyed up a hill and disappeared into the distance."

Original story:

You're welcome.